
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIlQueenlIlIl, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. I once got silenced for saying jesus can go suck a dïck. I mean we all know he was gay so thats no big deal
  2. Rip af
  3. Oh one of my previous igns was nomadîck. I remember someone getting silenced for typing my ign in pub 
  4. I got silenced for posting ‘smd’ on an ex friend’s wall, and I got silenced for posting that I’d sell knee pics in pub when it was a joke. Someone posted before me that they were selling feet pics(being legit and stuff) and they never got silenced, luckily it got overturned and it was only a few days silenced. But I’m on my like 3rd 30 day silence rn. ?
  5. :lol:
  6. I feel you. Jokes mean nothing anymore
  7. I got silenced once for suggesting everyone spam pub. Pub was already full and i was joking, but. Mods are dumb af
  8. I got silenced for saying I was 7 once in Pub. I had to explain in through a help ticket and instead of getting the silence lifted I got silenced for like a month and I could only communicate to people through DM’s.
    Not sure what mod took it seriously but I mean.. good job for doing your job?

  9. You're very lucky you're still here. 
  10. If you say you’re like 1 but still can be silenced that’s kinda extreme tho, did ata not think it through
  11. Truth
  12. They never do
  13. Like does ata really think 1 year olds are sitting here playing? ? if you say you were just born can you be silenced? Where’s the line? :( LOL
  14. Why people joke about things that are against ToU is beyond me. Just make better jokes?
    As to the original thread topic: Never been silenced. ?
  15. I get silenced for stupid crap ?
    That's not my fault sksksk
  16. Its hard when each mod has a different version of tou, or they all interpret tou differently.

    Its also beyond me how one person gets away with the same offence but another person gets punished. Could some mods be corrupt? I would be surprised if theyre not.

    Its also funny how when someone trash talks to you in campus they dont get silenced, but you respond once and you get silenced.

    Lastly i fail to understand why hîtler is censored but osama bin laden isnt
  17. This ?
  18. We all follow the standard tou silencing guidelines. You said it yourself though, mods have different interpretations of things. For uncertainties, we work as a team to make a decision. We're trying our best to be fair... if you run into any issues with silencing, or have any suggestions, you can always send in a ticket to support.
  19. So if you admit that tou is open to interpretation and different mods interpret it differently, different users can interpret is differently too? So the whole system is flawed basically
  20. I don't think it's possible to silence everyone that violates ToU because mods are not online all the time or paying attention to campus/pub. I do understand that it could be frustrating when you get silenced for something and someone else doesn't. However, I'd like to believe that it's not because of biased behaviour but rather an oversight.
    Regardless, if you see a mod being partial, please do report him/her to support. If you see an offence that is not being silenced for, report that too to support. We try our best and any help is appreciated.