Sign up for Battle of the Sexes!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. And how does boycotting what you enjoy about the game help? Surely better to boycott wedding wars? store purchases? RP clubs? Or whatever you are against. Boycotting what you enjoy won't help.

    Yes my opinion differs greatly. But I don't see what singing up for a war does to alter my opinion on how inconsistent their disciplinary procedures are or their interaction with community or their lack of quality updates.

    I don't agree with people who say just quit the game then but what's the point of logging on if you won't take part in what's fun about the game? You don't want to sign up... Don't. But I will come Friday. 4 hours of my time not a problem, I'm not going out until sat night so fits in for me.
  2. I just want a real war 
  3. The mods have been talking to the developers for awhile about organizing wars and a Battle of the Sexes war. The reason it is being released so soon is because the devs themselves are excited about this war and want to get it out as soon as they can so they can evaluate how it goes and and how they can improve upon it in the future. So get pumped for wars! The community has been begging for them for awhile!

    The war will be as large as the smallest groups, if that makes sense. So if there are 1000 girls that sign up, and 1200 boys that sign up, when they are split into the boys and girls groups, the last 200 boys that signed up will be dropped to even it out.

  4. Maybe the trophy will 'interestingly' shaped in the spirit of the new rules 
  5. Sign me up

    Are the clubs gonna be able to hold more than 100 people? 
  7. Yes! The clubs will hold as many people as apply :)
  8. Here's my opinion. Don't like what the devs are doing? Quit. 
  9. Count me in
  10. I'm in 
  11. Excellent English Ricc :lol:
  12. I wish i could join but i will be busy that day 
  13. I'm in
  14. i wanna join  im so excited
  15. I'm in 
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