Sign up for Battle of the Sexes!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. Sign me up please 
  2. Why don't you loosen up and try not to take something like a game to serious .. Just play and have fun .. And I been playing 2 days lol won't reply anymore it's getting to serious over something nobody has any control over good luck and god bless 
  3. I mean... This isn't even the sign up thread.

  4. My stats suck but yeah I'll do it!
    How long is the war? 
  5. the only st paddys day war i've seen is a ww, why would the devs take that into consideration?
  6. I'm in. Possible TERROR-BadB0y- as well.
  7. Your mama can't handle this
  8. -MAN READY
  9. Parcae, why wouldn't they?

    They claim they're happy that players are hosting weekend wars, so they want to make one two.

    The st party's day ww is on the weekend.

    Besides that, if they support online dating and encourage it now, why wouldn't they take a wedding war into consideration?
  10. Well Roy, they wont change shit.
    To me, it's pretty clear they dont give a fuck.

    Nothing else I can do but enjoy it for what it was... y'know?
  11. Oh wow.. really? A war isn't going to change my opinion :| smh..

    and seriously.. signups FRIDAY people :lol:
  12. What timezone is PDT? A city so I can add to my clocks.

    And no one said they forgave them but why not sign up for a war when there is one? I totally disagree with their marketing strategy and direction and criticise their lack of enthusiasm for the game and interaction with players. I would name a rival app where the devs give a great example of working with players and interacting with them daily. However I don't want silenced but if devs are reading they can always ask me and I'll tell them who to learn from lol.
  13. I still don't get it.

  14. I am in 
  15. No see that's where you're wrong. I may be wrong too, but I would assume we would have some control if players and the community as a whole actually took a stand. But that never happens because as soon as something makes the community upset the developers ship out something shiny and you all get sucked right back up again. It's easy to talk all this shit but its another to follow through with how you feel and take a stand against it.

    And this is why PimD will slowly unravel into nothing because the players are too weak to make a difference and the developers are too money grabbing to give a shit. I never liked the guy but I miss when Poolboy made his petition with Neon and ran the developers into the ground until he was given a meeting with our mod manager and several other large players. The older gen will remember that. I was the only mod present at that meeting and as much as I disagree with what the meeting was about at least the shit got done.

    I'm finished wasting my breath. A dog would grasp this concept quicker than some members of this community, green and not green.
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