Sign up for Battle of the Sexes!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. Lol, exactly what Royale said.

    When the developers plan something it's always in a good amount of advance. And now this is organised a day after the backlash and it to be sorted before the end of the week? I mean, if you were going to try and placate as Roy said, maybe you could have done it with some brains rather than making it so obvious.

    Then again, this is the PimD community we're talking about. So I guess not much thought was needed into how you could win most of us around again. I will thank you though for helping create the backlash as it really showed some people's colours.

    Your awards and special trophies sound as enticing as having condoms for gift ideas. Shouldn't you guys be working on that anyways? Wouldn't want any underage pregnancies to spring up in your dorm devs. ;)
  2. If you've paid attention to forums at all besides one silly war thread, or if anyone would think a little instead of forgiving the developers for everything because of one simple war, they might be angry too.

    The fact is I have time and money invested in this game. Do you think I want to quit? Not at all. But I won't sit here silently.

    By the way, if you can't spell my name right, don't address me. Enough said.
  3. Count me in
    See you guys there 
  4. Sign me up please!
  5. I'm in, sign me up 
  6. I don't care to spell your name right ! Enough said !
  7. I do not get dis. What in the what what hell happened while I was away? Fill me in, peeepol, pleeez. ._.
  8. I'm in  might be drunk from st patty's tho 
  9. I'm in
  10. Dv mo must be new and ignorant.
  11. Lol you calling me out ? 
  12. Oh yes, the St. Patrick's Day war. I'm sure the developers, who are supposedly doing something good for the community, took that into consideration.
  13. Stating a fact more like.
  14. Learn to take a joke kids 
  15. "calling you out" ????

    Are we in high school.

    I'm stating if you don't know who royale or even how to spell his name. You are oblivious to what has been happening. So just because you have bigger numbers then me on this game. Doesn't mean squat.

    Go read "Future PIMD" then come back. Before your ego gets to big.
  16. Was calling us kids supposed to be an insult or make you feel smarter?
  17. Me signing up doesn't mean I'm okay with the new changes. Stated my view and I'm still standing by it.

    Just signing up for the war.
  18. Jopo, you're selling out. You're basically telling the developers you don't care if they allow people to sext on campus as long as they make wars occasionally.
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