Sign up for Battle of the Sexes!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. Where do I sign uP?
  2. Read the OP 
    Spestnaz, you arent the sharpest tool in the shed :lol:
  3. I wanna join 
  4. Im in luveyy xxx
  5.  When can we join????waiting waiting waiting to sign up
  6. Sign me up !!!!!
  7. Well mr. Flinstone will u plz expand what OP is ?
  8. The Original Post, which states that this thread is not for signing up but for thr announcement of the War. Another thread will state which clubs are going to be used for the war.
  9. Come on when we gone no the secret club I'm tired of waitin
  10. Sign me up !! I'm down for a war
  11. Apply at

    Battle of the sexes club it will send you the right clubs.

     now stop being noobs and read original content before posting.
  12. Do I sign up here? Yeah pls count me in 
  13.  The chat is too fast
  14. It's time! >:0
  15. Let's get it on sign me up baby
  16. Sign me up
  17. Sign me up 
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