Sign up for Battle of the Sexes!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. exciting
    Im IN
  2. Iam in come on lads
  3. I and sooooo in sign me up plz
  4. im in!!! sign me up!!!
  5. I'm in  sign me up plz
  6. I want to join must be fun :)
  7. I'll be there 
  8. Did no one read the sign up part...?
  9. I im in. For bos
  10. I'm gonna join for sure
  11. Come on guys we can do it especially if the guys actually try 
  12. So clubs open Friday evening-no longer Friday morning? What time? And does war start time remain the same?
  13. Im in
  15.  ahaha I don't even think there is space left but hey I'm in
  16. I'm definately in
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