Oooh look it’s Kefo trying to be relevant. That means this discussion is done being interesting. Bye 🙄
Please log off Twitter and/or Tiktok. It's causing you to have brain rot. There are words to describe what happened in this thread without watering down words used to describe more severe and interpersonal situations. What I'm saying has nothing to do with moral authority or feelings. It's telling you to stop appropriating language used to describe a very specific type of abuse by slapping it as a label on any other slightly toxic interaction between people.
There's a great youtube channel called TheraminTrees which talks about gaslighting, double binds, infantilization, weaponized self-affirmation, logical fallacies, emotional blackmail, dogma, and some morality. Originally, it was about how religions exploit these devices to retain adherents but recently has shifted its focus towards one's domicile. Highly recommend to anyone interested.
Did you guys know blue wasn't considered a colour until 6k years ago? It's very rare in nature so ppl didn't paint with it or rly know of its existence
They saw it but since the word blue wasn't invented, they called it other things 🥰 This is a good article on it: The sky also technically isn't blue.