I like this Mozzie guy. No homo. And Chloe, you can rage/rant all you want, but can't you just do it without insulting people and asking everyone who has their own opinion to GTFO? There's something called human rights. People can do what they want, even if you don't like it. Now I'm not hating, I'm just stating facts. So don't take this as an offensive post, just my opinion, which you can do nothing about. Empty threats to report to a mod won't work. We did nothing wrong. And auto correct just changed my 'nothing' into 'boning'. Now that was awkward. But that's all I've got to say.
Yes Josh. I'm clearly in a pissed off mood. It states in the ToU once OP tells you to leave, you leave. I made this rant yesterday and haven't made any since. And I'm tired of all these haters ganging up on me making false accusations. It's tiring, including the fact that it's modnight over here and you can't type as fast... =_=
If you go by it mathematically, then yes, 7 should be rounded up to ten. And my slow typing is the fruit of going to other threads too. I don't stick to your thread alone. And it's midnight here to. My life isn't any easier.
Add to the fact I'm sick and it's raining. Now goodnight. No haters or trolls please, too tired to deal with it tonight. Or today. Whichever. =_=
True that. XD It's Saturday for me. ._. And it's not midnight anymore.. It's 1AM. D: Seriously. I'm dying over here. I'm hoping off the dreamland.
My thoughts exactly - shut the hell up chloe. You know your scraping from the bottom of the barrel when your correcting grammar on a forum made for iphone (yes I am aware of incorrect usage of "when"). You are annoying as fuck.. Age is no excuse
Who said age was an excuse? Mozzie, I just scoff at you. No words can describe your ignorance. Dawg, telling me i am annoying does not change the fact you fail at life. Mmkay? Because bitch, seriously? PLEASE. My correcting your use of grammar is because I can tell the difference between laggy keyboards and lazy good for nothings like you. If you have to correct grammar, look at the other person's perspective. Something none of you wpuld do while insulting me, that's rhe reason why I always get to shut you up. Anymore haters willing to hate on me? Just woke up and I'm ready to kick some failures' asses. :|
Samz, I don't expect a five year old like you to get it. "Pooh" is a part of a username. I really don't expect a noob like you to get it. If you want to agree with something you don't understand, gtho my thread. Anyways
So close AJ. But remember. I can never get mad at fail haters. You know why? Because their fail gives me a huge advantage. I can just slap them away and make them cry. They'll soon runaway to the chicken farm then dunk their heads into the toilet bowl like Meek Meek the ostrich.