Eye for an eye. If you murder someone unintentional or not, you should be killed. If you rob someone, you get your hand/arm chopped off.
Isn't life in prison punishment enough? You get to spend the rest of your life reminded by what you did and at the mercy of other inmates. ? Although, some people have no concept of guilt or anything so I'm not sure. Allowing the death penalty gives room for accidental innocent deaths ?
That was for Evil ^ And wolf, i do agree with you but i guess it's possible to continue killing in prison also, some people say prisons can be luxurious (im not sure if i spelt that correctly) im also not sure if prisons are at all like that!
I prefer that they should rot in jail for what they have done(depending on what crime they committed) but I also do not agree on abolishing the death penalty. Some deserve the death penalty but some need to rot in jail.
I'm on the fence about this. I would like to think that people could change but this isn't always the case. I've seen in some cases that people who spend time, do come out different. A drunk driver hit my uncle a few years back and he passed away from it. The guy only got a few years. I can't remember exactly but when he was released, he apologized to our family countless times for what he had done. This isn't the case for everyone. Some people don't feel guilt but maybe it's because of this experience that I'm kind of iffy on the death penalty.
Both parties shall be punished. The driver because they hit the 'victim'. The victim because they weren't supposed to be in the road.
?Serial killers dont deserve to live eye for and eye??Jails a bad place to us but its to sweet thats why people on death row?Always trying to appeal there death sentence?They rather have life in jail instead of death?
Thanks Epic Im sorry about your uncle, Kri. I guess it does change most people, definitley people who accidentally kill people. If it was an accident then i dont think that they deserve a death penalty or a very long time in prison because sometimes accidents happen! Other than murder i do also believe that **** should have a death penalty also although some people would probably disagree. I agree with the person who said theives should have arms chopped off but only if they steal something thats rather valuable, minor shoplifting incidents should have to serve time in prison, not a death penalty.
@The3vilgurl It will be impossible to punish the victim if the person DIED! And what if the person walking had the right of way? It wasn't their fault for the driver speeding and not paying attention when he/she should have been.
I should've clarified, there was a stop sign right before a crosswalk. My dad and my uncle was playing golf. My dad crossed safely and saw that the driver wasn't slowing down to stop at the stop sign and tried to tell my uncle to not cross but by then it was to late.
Lucky,If thats the case and the driver was speeding then they should definitley be punished by serving time in prison, however if the driver is driving along and the victim steps out into the road; the driver doesnt always have time to stop therefore the victim is at fault and the driver should either be fined or let off, in my opinion
Im sorry Kri <3 Then the driver should indeed serve time in prison, alot more time! Personally i believe that the death penalty should be used for muderers charged with crime like manslaughter, unless its an accident which has actually happened before.
Im not sure how it really works but my taxes are keeping murders alive so give me back some money and implement the death penalty everywhere
Thats very true barcode! If they are sick enough to murder people then i suppose they would be sick enough to believe jail isnt that bad, but on the other hand i guess jail would be better than a death penalty in some cases.
In the case of my husband he had gotten charged with something he didnt commit. He's going through classes which aren't even meant for him. Unless you see someone actually commit the crime, (eventually everyone gets caught in the end) people should be on trial until everything is solved. No matter how small or big it is. If you're not sure what happened let it rest. Give a warning