Should PIMD shut down?

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by TheCatLady, Apr 24, 2019.

  1. Coincidence I am going trekking to everest this summer
  2. :lol:
  3. Please take pictures of the climbers who failed
  4. This is forums. You cannot tell us what to do. We will be as free as the birds
  5. Absolutely not. PIMD is at its peak right now, from ATAs perspective. Stable recurrent playerbase, steady influx of new players. Also lots of new things being released shows that ATA is committed to maintaining the game for a little while, which is good for the players too.
  6. NO!
  7. I should hope so, imagining my money lost if they shut down is such an upsetting thought
  8. Oh trekking where?
  9. April fools day 
  10. All these weird days originate from usa. One cant get dumber
  11. This is my addiction  it better not go anywhere

  12. Sorry not sorry ?
  13. Actually no. It started somewhere in Europe during the medieval time. It was known as Shrove Tuesday but overtime the name turned to Pancake Tuesday/Day.
  14. Mini bringing them historical facts
  15. Did u wiki it?
  16. How about they shut down the pub chat because of all the sickos
  17. Si. (“No” in Spanish)