Intels aren't useless, agreed. They're less effective. In response to your team comment, yes, they almost require a team. Unfortunately, not all players will have the club the size of/with the experience of A. These players shouldn't be penalized for going Intel main. You've not elucidated anything really. I've said from the start intels are good at pinning. But prank pinning just isn't as useful as it used to be; in addition, in order to be useful you really need to be able to shut a club down. That's really hard.
So dance = fight in cash loss only could be interesting. Balance it so energy lost by oppo using a fight:energy lost by user dancing. So that you get the same amount of hits per ul. The only thing that would not be gucci is that if the % energy lost by oppo was still negligible, bc then dance would be the meta. Most hits without pinning the target.
Understand the build better and you'll realize they're not less effective. Pranks regardless are more powerful than you give them credit for. They're still very effective and if you stay on club actives all the time they party keeping them pinned its very very easy to disrupt parties and make them fail.
Ausp is sorta right. We only build for sfw. Merc sf is a bad decision and they will inevitably be disadvantaged because that's what clubs are for. I'm guilty of disadvantaging myself by playing alone and if I was intel I would suck but if I joined an sfw club like a smart person, I would be supported as an intel. And clubs have come to learn to use both despite their shortcomings... But we can change... And there are only pros and cons to those changes that need analyzing. Why shouldn't fighters also be equally vulnerable as intels when fighting on their own.
Pranks are balanced with fights. Dances are weaker and ought to be updated. Only change I'm suggesting is to make dances deal more cash damage. Not energy damage.
All the same strengths need a team also and having the benifits of intels apart of said team. Your buddies aren't going to fight pin you till you wake up are they? They can try fight pin the people on you requiring a great deal of health and hits. Oh wait looks it's our trusty Intel buddy who can keep you pinned till you wake up. Pin the actives trying to destroy your cash in turn saving you all they can. At greater deal less health expenditure.
@benz, I think the low energy loss is balanced by high energy cost of dances. We don't want to make them the same as fights. Just balanced in a different way
The amount of times I've required an Intel prank pin me to stop a strip is exponentially smaller to the amount of times I'd like to have an extra str build buddy help me complete a strip.
Why should you be forced into fighting for a team just bc you're an Intel build? Again, I'm not saying intel is useless, the prank is a powerful tool. It just doesn't to the damage a strip would.
Dances don't need improving. They're fine as is. High plunder for high cost of health. Since Intel tanks a lot of hits we don't have a lot of cash out most of the time and if at 0 a quick dance covers an attack date or some pvp pots. Look at it outside sfw to system wars it's one of the most used actions even by strength builds ? yes this is about sfw but you can't call for a nerf or buff to something if you don't look at its mechanics in all its interactions in the game. You can't makes a decision based off one aspect of the game. All is to be taken into consideration so wanting to change game mechanics based off one aspect of pvp in the game is silly tbh. You're leaving out so many other aspects.
How are you forced to do teamwork because you're an intel build? Don't people choose their build type? If you're going intel then you should be aware your "strengths" lie in teamwork. If you go intel and are upset about that then wouldn't it be your fault for not paying attention to how build types work?
Because it's a supporting role lol as strength takes up the damage dealing role to destroy cash. Dance works but fight would be better. The builds compliment and need each other.
Your personal preference and Intel is situational just as strength is. One will do better than the other in different situations.
I think dances could still do with a bit of a buff... But they do already seem to be meta in system wars so it might be good enough. Good point.
Outside of crate wars there's what, one system war a month? I don't think we should shut down the topic based on that when normal off system hits are done every day.
You're forced into it because your build doesn't play much towards non-team based efforts. I couldn't be the lone wolf player I am with an Intel main.
I'd argue dance does not work. If you've ever danced to strip someone you've blown more dns than you're willing to admit.
We need more system wars! And not just mod crate wars; friendly system wars w/ no prizes too. Ones where the prize is maybe a bento or a few chibis. Et cetera