
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iDontCare47, Feb 6, 2018.

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  1. Wow screw you guys too tbh
  2. I know, he wants that JacoxYurixKiibo action
  3. Shh you don’t gotta lie ;)
  4. YurixJopo
  5. I know, he wants that JacoxYurixKiibo action[/quote]

    No, what I want doesn't exist.
  6. JopoxYouGuys
  7. Y'all can have her.
  8. I’m triggered on the inside
  9. IM DEAD @ whoever said Oatmeal faced bastard

    I’m missing all the tea :(

    Anywho my ships are
  10. i want kiibo all to myself.
  11. Please do not pair me with Jaco again. That is traumatizing for the both of us. :?

  12. naaaah too late
  13. :c but ily and appreciate u jopo
  14. I can't say I disagree
  15. Kiibo is bae af tf u mean 
  16. Me and Jaco are just platonic friends that share a passion for the literary arts. :?
  17. Oatmeal* I meant oatmeal :lol: :lol:
  18. too late now jaco, whats done is done.
  19. Not even a platonic relationship..
    platonic friends
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