Server Issues – Nov 2 2017

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. I love how I get campus connection can't be found or my personal favorite for the last two days your session has expired
  2. Oh thats why. Thank you so much
  3. ATA im not gettin my drops im missin my snowy brief case and im at 3.5 k
  4. I'm getting server issues where it takesays me ages to actually get into the game, anybody else getting this problem?
  5. They’re working on it, they’re aware of the issues. Just give them time ? damn y’all greedy. I mean, I want 1,000 of everything too but is it gonna happen? Nah... cause ata is greedy too.
  6. We can get in but it's still giving "Ivalid response from server" error messages when we try to do anything..
  7. This is what happens when apes are in charge.?
  8. I lost 15 DNS and a Cat give us something worth while 
  9. Cry some more so i can serve them to my dark overlord as your soul perishes in purgatory for eternity for being a dumb idiot.
  10. I will keep on!!!!
  11. Easy for you to say shit when you're in a CC club
  12. Right, because i'm not an idiot to solo when the serves have been shaky for a week. Your fault. Nub.
  13. Well, our kini is going to be a waste. Thank you server issues 
  14. Look at all these crying nubbies.
  15. Servers have been crap for the past week. Why you gonna solo dumbass
  16. right exactly my point lmfao
  17. I solod a bunch during the black friday chaos they were never down for long enough for me to fail a cat unless you're trying to milk solo which is just stupid anyways