Server Downtime: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd_admin, Apr 4, 2012.

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  1. That's 8.30am Tuesday morning . I think 
  2. Cool story bro
  3. It's cool for me lol but I hope pimd will have less lagging and crashing when it is back haha.
  4. Thanks for the heads up PIMD!
  5. What happens if you guys screw up and everyone is resetted?
  6. Some sleep that night. Thanks for the rest
  7. That's tomorrow 
  8. Server Downtime
  9. What a great day to be silenced on kaW I'm silenced so it's just 2 less hours too be silenced for.
  10. YAY
  11. Uh-oh I'll have to go to school that day instead of staying home to play this game
  12. Has the server already been down then? 
  13. IT PASSED
  14. I'm desperate. Can anyone help me out here?
  15. Cool I'm up for it
  16. Hey vas happening
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