Serious Question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MellyTheLittleDuckie, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. All avis should be blue
  2. Last I checked we do not only have white avis. Also this prom avis are black. I'm white so I shall cry bcuz they are not white.

    It's a fucking avi. When I started this game my very 1st avi was the bkack girl that was dancing. I didn't pick her bcuz of her color. I picked her bcuz she didn't look stupid nor a slutty look.
  3. Its funny how everyone keeps saying black this black that or how someones making a big deal. First off why is everyone only mentioning black  Nationalities vs black = two totally different things. And its not a big deal just a suggestion. And hey I would so love a blue stick ava 
  4. There should be some Indians.
  5. White boiiiii nation baby
  6. As an Oompa Loompa, I find that very offensive 
  7. Support I'm Black/Hispanic yo