Serious Question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MellyTheLittleDuckie, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. [/size=200] Why Is Face Not together?! [/size]
  2. As soon as ATA brings new ethnie avatars, op will make a rant thread saying there's not enough white avatars.
  3. Ata is based in a area where most are white I'm betting
    Therefore they make Ava's like the people around them. Don't like it? Move to the area of ata and make it more diverse.
  4. Free Panda Hugs. <(^-^<)
  5. (─■°─°)─■Who Wants A Hug??
  6. (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \)
  7. Support I guess.....then you can edit your character and have a color change to your liking.....
  8. Soooo , I'm white n I play. And there are diff race avatars. I don't get it.
  9. None of you get the point except a couple I never said anything about "darker" or "black" I said all the nationalities
  10. I give support to ur idea
  11. White power baby
  12. Support. I may be white, but it isn't fair to not have a lot of choices for colored people or Asians or Indians etc
  13. Not all avatars are white, this prom him the avatars are a bit darker
  14. "A bit darker" vs nationalities
    Your point is invalid. No one said anything about darkness
  15. It's just a freaking avatar dude LOL