Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Mqudiel, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. ???????
  2. Why would u need picture pm for in a game very funnny
  3. No Support ?
  4. I like this idea in theory, it would mean that people feel less tempted to try and give out other socials but since private messages cannot be moderated, anything could be sent.

    So unfortunately, no support.
  5. No support. There’s already enough creeps on here, we don’t need to make it easier for them.
  6. Gold
  7. This is a very bad idea. No support :(
  8. i didnt think there could be an idea worse than avatar trading.

    until i heard this.

  9. No support. I’ve got no more space for another pimd storage-eater update 
  10. Looooool.
    I pass, too.
  11. :lol:
  13. Someone find the pets thread and bump it.
  14. I dont want pervs sending me d*** pics, so HELL NO