Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Beauty is a matter of opinion so anyone can be beautiful especially nowadays. Anyone can also be ugly.
  2. I can't tell what the second link was, but this is your first pic.
  3. Pass the blunt bro ?
  4. Your ign and that lil kitten leads to the question is the kitty you? ?nice addition including that person in the photo too
  5. The world may never know 
  6. Technology is acting a bit goofy right now to be honest.

  7. Use imgfit instead of img next time ?
  8. CUTIEE?
  9. Oof so many new people
  10. But we wanna know.

  11. Hi I'm Trent And Everyone Hates Me.
  12. Ooo cute
  13. [​IMG]

    Is dis a me
  14. use imgfit instead of img!
  15. So pretty ???