Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. You have really pretty eyes 
  2. wait i'm lost. why do people say you look like a rat? :|
  3. Oo... maybe
  4. What I gotta do?

  5. Me? The thumb? Two peas in a pod ‍♀️
  6. Less resizing your eyes more resizing your boobs
  7. Oou If Its Poison..Its Okaay
  8. I made a promise to myself I’d stop being so mean.

    So, where did you get that shirt? The pink and blue one.
  9. [​IMG]

    So this is me...once again...I always say I look just like my avatar except for the blue eyes...was I correct?
  10. Your hair isn't doing the wave 

  11. May I have your eyes please.
  12. Jealousy is a sickness that infects many ~
  13. Saw that we had a selfie thread and couldn’t resist posting my selfie 

  14. Use imgfit instead of img :)
    Oof that view tho ☀️
  15. Oof. Your ink is sexy  .. i need more tats ?
  16. Oh my god, you’re so pretty ??
  17. I remember I’ve seen a selfie you posted before but you’re so cute! 