Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. I give up... I’ve tried 6 times  I broke the selfie thread
  2. If needed you’ll get helped posting
  3. Makes me think of fried chicken ?
  4. She is 19*
  5. kara lookin hawt af -cough cough-
  6. Cry about it.
  7. Gorgeous af???
  8. act 11 too
  9. stooping to appearance based insults is the epitome of a childish demeanor; if anyone is acting 11 here, it's you. especially since this is entirely unprovoked!
  10. Looking hawt

  11. Aye that's my beautiful a$$ sugar momma 
  13. fixed

    edit: oops ninja'd
  14. Look at that beauty ???
  15. ????
  16. Beautiful