Nahhh not everyone does that... creepyolas do that. That’s a lil overboard to try to expose her personal life over a game... what’s in it for you? Was she trying to get into your life? Was she making false accusations about you? Are you using this information to protect yourself from her? Then yeah... creepyola.
If everyone does it and it's normal and there's nothing to be embarassed about doing it, why use an alt?? If it's so normal, why not use your main?? :roll:
I don't really care. This is a game. I would say 99 percent of what you read on the internet isn't true, but in my case I own it. Theres not much to do in my town. I get around.
Sorry Hailey, i miss hanging out there too but i'm not sure i can get back to being that consistent anymore :c