I don't care that u showed it again, but your attitude is very smug and unnecessary. U dont see me ssing all of your posts in an attempt to "embarrass" you. You could have easily posted a different pic of me. I've posted plenty. So don't try to act all sweet lol. Fyi if I found it embarrassing I would have never posted it. Its still one of my favorite pics.
I wasn't tryna to embarrass you; you already embarrassed yourself with your rude ass attitude by making uncalled for comments about people's bodies tbh. I'm not being smug lol, and I only ss'd it because people asked to see that specific picture again. If you like that picture and say it is one of your favorites, then why are you so butthurt about the situation? I barely said any words in this and was only ss'ing it because people asked to see that specific photo. In fact I was originally coming to your defense by saying you had posted selfies before when someone said you hadn't and just liked to make rude comments w/o showing your own face. The mug shot was iconic and if you go back to the post I had commented that you were iconic for posting it. It was a power move
Wellllll... She should be embarassed and not about the mugshot. I reverse image searched her and apparently she's a major homewrecker. She has a horrible rep in her hometown and is obviously an attention seeker. I just watched some of her videos on line and they're pretty nasty.