Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. No abs no support
  2. @RoseMilkTea

    I do not respect your opinion.

    I recognize your right to express it.

    Every person has a right to express his opinions. No person has a right to his opinions being respected.
  3. I’ll give you that tomorrow smh, this is only the tease
  4. Support
  5. Disrespect me all you want boys
  6. Did you just assume my gender?
  7. Oh my! I think so! Are you triggered? ?
  8. I can hear the reee of sjw’s
  10. [​IMG] I miss my red hair tbh 
  12. It's just hair. Lol
  13. I am in love with the color of your lipstick, wish I could pull it off ? It looks amazballs on you
  14. Buy red hair dye, or did you shave your head?
  15. Used as a generalization. Like "you guys"
    Didn't bother to look into either of your genders. Girls are welcome too
  16. :/ more drama :lol:
  17. You called me a boy, not a guy.

    You're a terrible liar. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  18. wew it's been a while
  19. Sing me a song