Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Thank You
  3. I didn’t know I needed this in my life until now

    Beautiful ??
  4. Lighting is weird and it doesn’t quite fit, but I can tell that you are a beautiful person 
  5. Crap camera but thanks doll
  6. Gorgeous ️️ and Try doing imgfit instead of just img when posting pictures
  7. Jaco needs to get laid before he loses it completely
  8. support for more tacos

  9. maybe i did it right, idk
  10. Nice job and photo 
  11. ?
  12. No, but it seems like you want to suck my dick since you want my attention so desperately. Find a horse instead, we're about the same size :)
  13. [​IMG]

    Since I accidentally made a selfie thread and now I’m getting nonstop hate ??
  14. Very pretty!
  15. She been knew there was a selfie thread too
  16. Hot n gorgeous 
  17. [​IMG]

    So I just discovered this was a thing so yeah ima do this thing too 
  18. For future reference, I noticed you posted it earlier and deleted it because it was really big. Instead of shrinking the photo resolutions, just use imgfit instead of img and it will auto-adjust the size of it.