Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Damn get me a piece of dat cake?
  2. Ok, let me stop you right there. That's not evidence and if you don't know then you don't know. I'd rather talk about selfies
  3. Not a kid and I never stated that it did. You brought it up on your own accord
  4. jaco, it's been a year and you're still so, so obsessed with what's in my pants. i think it's time to do some self reflection.
  5. No. I'm not gay, but at this point even gay males also dislike you. Nobody has ever be obsessed with you, you don't even like yourself so why would anybody like you irl? Self reflection? No. It's time to stop lying. I mention you because you decided to show some hate to desperately get my attention... I always tell you, you won't like the way I treat attention seekers who spread negativity because of their irl problems.
  6. see previous comment
  7. anyway i have to drive like 2 hrs home today AND deal with icbc so im super not excited

    this filter cute tho wassup!

  8. It's more evidence than what you have provided, which is nothing. Don't go around making accusations without proof and then get pissed off when people don't believe you.
  9. anyway... queen
  10. You are adorable, why everyone hatin 
    Also icbc sucks dıcks
  11. FAX altho they did me a favour this week i cant hate too hard BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE UP FOR EVERYTHING ELSE, U HEAR ME ICBC
  12. Right?! They are such crooks sometimes
  13. That filter is so cute! Such an adorable pic (‘: o wow

  14. Zeppelin kitty
  15. Look in the mirror.
  16. I'm not mad over anything especially not a game. I'm a troll, my role is to show that you should have fun and not worry about irrelevant... [use an insult of your choice].

    You want me to stoop to the level of posting ss which is something I'd never do to anyone, not even an enemy.
  17. Hating < being blunt. More wps, it's everywhere
  18. @Kitten

    How is your snake tongue doing?
  19. good!! i can cross both ways now :3
  20. im literally giving you permission to post whatever you want to "prove" im AMAB lol