Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Hold the compliments please

  2. Green goddess
  3. 70% chest 30% face
    That’s a chestie
  4. Yeah but now I need a newer one 

  5. Time to leave another selfie ?
  6. That’s exactly what apple plans for ?
  7. Get the new one at September  $1k
  8. thank you everyone ????
  9. You're so cute ? Love your hair btw 
  10. thank you!
  11. boredom and alcohol lead to regretful decisions tbh ?
  12. Beautiful ?
  13. Girl you work it ‍♀️

  14. Just curious to try,. ?
  15. qt
  16. Still lawl
  17. So pretty!!! 