Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. On this thread? The ones in my pms aren't.
  3. You are so cutee 
  4. you let hoes in your PMs?
  5. Thanks ️
  6. I would if theyre smart
  7. LOL I’ve only been silenced once recently, for 24 hours. I’m a good noodle.
  8. I find it strange when someone uses “they’re in my pms” as some kinda ego boost, like yay you have social interaction¿?¿
  9. i’m finna husband you up wth ?
  10. reposted for EmoDavid
  12. The egg comment should be been a 30 day silence. I demand justice
  13. What egg comment /:
  14. You asked for nubs to suck on your eggs
  15. No, her comment was much worse than that...
  16. They had just been hard boiled so /:

    I actually don’t recall making an egg comment
  17. No, no, no. You made it in pub chat the day before I got silenced.
  18. Oh thank you ️