Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Are you angry when you requote yourself?
  2. idk id likely be or seem angry if I were requoting an angry gif as spam all because some people were happy with themselves lol
  3. I feel like this outfit was really cute and probably went with this filter tbh
  4. It’s not spam, I’m just feeling that gif
  5. My shirt freshly ironed

  6. Do you like it? I drew it myself?
  7. It’s spam because you’re repeatedly doing it all at once for multiple pages and many of them had no content but the gif and had little to no breaks in between while you were p much the only person requoting it but ok
  8. yes I love it thank u
  9. woah look at this qt with some nice piercings that look rad and a lil bun (‘: wow v cute imo
  10. No idea why you’re resizing your font but ok
    It’s spam when you do it also so I dont see what you’re getting at
    Writing some crap under your older post and requoting it is still considered spam
    Many of you dont even write anything, you just requote
  11. Really loving my glasses
  12. resizing is amusing me.
    but anyways, we don’t do it over and over after getting all edgy and then spam only our selfie for like 3 pages lol
  13. Dayum daddy you fine ass fûck I hope yo wallet don’t got condoms in it (;
  14. Maybe I should spam with catfísh pics to get attention like you did
  15. o jeez so many of you guys are so pretty (‘:
  16. Hand movement on point
  17. Agreed^
  18. you’re really pretty and you also look like such a sweetheart???? ??
  19. Recoil hurt my shoulder tbh
  20. My hoe, the best gardening tool