Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. A QUEEN

  2. You look like a Disney princess tbh
  3. :lol:
    this reaction made me lol nice photo you have nice eye color, I dunno what it is exactly
  5. Damn Girl  Fine asf ?
  6. ? jaw on floor
  7. Why y'all walking past this fine thang?
    Meme bite your lip next time, k? ?
  8. O cuties asf ?
  9. You got it! 
  10. 
  11. Can I have your number daddy ?
  12. [​IMG] adding to this awesome thread <3
  13. Whew Chile .... the beauty 
  15. Wow HMU QT?
    I think I’m in like with you
  16. i lold
  17. lold in Parselmouth