Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. doesnt do that for me
  2. I'll scare u into submission xD
  3. I slowed it down ? Did it not work?
  4. She should be so lucky
  5. Am I missing something
  6. Tell Android to knock it off
  7. the user Kitten has a split tongue. check first post 2 pages back
  8. I just wanted to disagree with julie, my comment didn't actually have anything to do with you
  9. Double fun xD
  10. Double gross
  11. tongues aren't gross. it's just a muscle.
  12. My friends think it’s funny coz I’m the only female they know that burps loud asf whenever, it’s a NORMAL BODILY FUNCTION, nothing’s gross once you get used to it
  13. That is gross actually and i could never get used to it in certain settings. Don't do it at dinner tables.
  14. #etiquette101
  15. No u

  16. Did someone say “heavily filtered selfie” ? ?
  17. o o f hello
  18. Hello️
  19. Looks like a selfie I'd post here
  20. Disfigured tongues are gross