Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Is not just the eyeshadow tho. It literally looks blended, with highlights on the corners. And she has mascara on. Not that I'm judging, I wear makeup. Just saying it's there
  2. Oki then. It's clearly not a bare-faced selfie tho, it has filter. And looks like those lashes are from snapchat filters
  3. Haha I'm just REALLY tired all the time. Without makeup it looks like I've been punched
  4. Thank you!
  5. Haha yes, I was. I do a lot of facepaint and my bathroom has a good mirror for it.
  6. Imma cover my tut's face in "makeup" :lol:
  7. :lol: :lol: :lol: I never said which tut, all you do is assume
  8. Is my riddles still hard?^

    And no. Saying my reaction doesn't mean I'm assuming :roll:
  10. shut up jaco
  11. Make me?
  12. U closet freak
  13. You're the closet freak :lol:

  14. i like grapes ?

  15. Ooo thats cool, is it like a hobby?
  16. It's my widdle artist nub
  17. My B.B. ?
  18. This is weirdly confusing

    And this is me:

    You're cute tho
  19. Tysm Moonie you are adorable as always