Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. So you're telling me you can't see the similarities? I look exactly the same
  2. I almost spit my drink. :lol:
  3. ? are you a sparkly vampire
  5. Wot nick posted a selfie??
  6. Wot m8 r u cereal
  7. Now that I look closely, I can see it. My bad fam.
  8. someone help me post a selfie thx
  9. nicenicenice
  10. Wow Har bb I'm sorry these noobs can't get a life but you know how pimd is, they're New scrubs :lol: if they were on Pimd for any smidget of time they would've seen the posts and pictures you and Tony put on forums :lol: don't let what they say get to today you you're beautiful IRL and personality wise. But Hmu sometimes shorty wink wonk ?.
  11. And for those that Continue to mess with harmony I will bring boil to Pimd and have him plow your lands. :geek:
  12. *messes with harmony*
  13. Another irrelevant noob... You are simply just illiterate. As a said, I pity anyone and everyone who's air you breathe. You're a waste of semen even though you were born.
  14. THATS IT!!!!!!!
  15. You imbecile, I'm straight unlike a lot of you on here. I'd never stoop low enough from my peak and panoramic view just to associate with the likes of him, fool.
  16. Jaco, you're the semen your mom should have swallowed
  17. Don't make me roast you, I promise you, you don't want this heat lmao. Just don't say anything else to me
  18. You want to be someone important so bad. You want to be someone significant so bad. Yet... You're less than gum under my Timbos. You are the trash of society.
  19. O damn.
    Watch out guys, now he's really mad.