Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Reposting so we can get back onto the topic of selfies
  2. No u
  3. My selfie camera is broken sorry
  4. Have you never taken a selfie before ?
    Use an old one
  5. Theyre in my old phone where the selfie camera works. But the screen is broken
  6. Lameass excuses ?
  7. How could you tag my life's tragedies as excuses! Rude asf
  9. Currently still confusion
  10. It's sad that you already know there's an argument just from page count?

    This one petty tho tbh
  11. Dont be an idiot like firenub ok
    There’s no need to “get back on topic”
    It’s a selfie thread, you post your crap and move on
    Let the scrubs argue as they always have

  12. [​IMG]

  13. Let’s argue scrub
  14. No thanks, I’ll happily repost my selfie if I want to ?
  15. And he was in an illusion that he makes the rules here

  16. I doubt she cares what you think lmao
  17. At least you’re not catfíshing now, progress
  18. Same. Gimme a glass of premium H2o cuz I'm thirsty af
  19. Idc tbh. I say what i want