Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. My new bae
  2. i told you earlier... you were drunk. it was vegas. things happen! *faceplam*
  3. It’s probably just me because McDonald fries are way too salty for me especially in America
  4. idk i love salt like i put more salt on pre-salted things and i think mcdonald's fries are gross. but they always seem soggy to me tbh.
  5. I'm a floppy fry
  6. I’m not that much of a salt grill, it’s probably just me then because they are just too salty for my liking
  7. salt isn't really that good for you in copious amounts so i'm probably gonna end up having bad cholesterol or something anyway
  8. why is it so small :eek:
  9. Well dang
  10. The last pic was to big so I downsized this one ☻
  11. if you use imgfit instead of img it will work and you won't have to resize it!

  12. I only take good pics with my girl :lol:
  13. thot we wld have to wait til next year

  14. Things women say that will kill a man
  15. He also said he wasn't going to post one cause he had posted 6 yrs ago :roll:
  16. Had to contribute otherwise there won't be a next year
  17. Then someone pmd me and convinced me
  18. me @ you every night
  19. yeah but you love the shrimp