Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Sid we’ve seen you, you can stop now
  2. Who is Sid?
  4. My name is not Sid; it's Hailey.

    Also: negative attention is still attention. As you can see by my caption, I am doing it in retaliation of someone complaining about it. You complaining about dumb shıt like me requoting my selfie is going to make me do it more so.
  5. that movie was god awful
  6. lol beware she get asshurt when someone critisize her non stop requoting her pics
  7. You're late on the comment train, sweetie:
  8. that is spam tho to keep requoting yourself
  9. It does not clog or cause disruption in forums and happens hours or even days apart from each other. Hardly spam.
  10. support
  11. You guys love each other's company so much.
  12. Thanks for making my caption come true y'all ?
  13. Hard pass
  14. So cheesy

  15. We love a sister staged pic.

    And this amazing scenery from mi campus.?
  16. ^ Queen of jorts and jirts