Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. What more is there to explain?!
  2. :D
  3. Was this also taken on the toilet
  4. Tattoos yes yes yes
  5. Hailey asking all the right questions

  6. Penny for your thoughts but a dollar for your insights
  7. Wowowow such a cutie. I love the hair ?
  8. Sweet_cleavage77

    Sometimes I just love opening this thread
  10. with you
  11. I come on here to see what’s happening and I see that, was not expecting that
  12. bobs
  13. Bobs and vegene ?
  14. It’s more fun when the image is too large and there’s just a huge face squashed in the entire screen ?

  15. Because why not