Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. You're welcome @Ricecakes
  2. Do mine too pls :!:
  3. Ty
  4. Your user makes me want spicy rice cakes
  5. Ah okay, I only got my septum done a bit over a year ago. Cool! I’ll have to look out for it ?
  6. You’re cute af 
  7. Kk omw to your country
  9. You mean, him? ?
  10. I'd love to bb. Even tho you cuties donut need any makeups tbh ;)
  11. Snapchat filter: Igotchu
  12. No cannibalism on my Christian server
  14. That's my most recent selfie and that was 6 months ago
  15. I just realized this started in 2016

  16. This was the least embarrassing one I had sorry it's sideways and stuff.
  17. Awh cute! So you used to have canine bites and now you just have snake bites? (I’m not sure if those are the right names) have the top angel bite ones closed up completely?
    Which piercings did you get first? Or was it all together? Sorry I have so many questions ? I just find piercing/tattoos/body mods intriguing and like to know the stories behind people’s (I’ve been following Kitten’s tongue split thread and it’s quite interesting imo)
  18. I need an explanation
  19. Yes they're called canines :) my first were snake bites, then angel and lastly septum. And yes they're closed. I want to get my dimples or dehlilas and like 3 tongue piercings but I also wanna try no piercings one day. And no worries hun, I'm into body mods too :)
  20. Wait... 3 tongue piercings? Have mercy..