Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. ???️‍♂️
  2. All these sensitive mfs 
  3. Don’t blame me. You’re the one that broke the rules. ?
  4. [​IMG]
    I just send them xD Rawr when I’m texting your whoar
  5. ^ Rawr xD @ me pls qt
  6. Flesh turns into steel. Not tryna be vulgar

  7. u 2 pls with your cocos ?
  8. Rawr means ily in dinosaur according to 2008 ? X’DDDD

  9. I think I remember punching my friends when they said that dumb crap
  10. Good
  11. whomst are you
  12. Encouraging jailbait to seek attention ??
    And no problem post a selfie but don’t bump the same damn one over and over it’s annoying so sorry for calling it out but just had to
    And I am sweet I’m very nice but I’m also very blunt
  13. Ooo I know ;) that's why I said rawr xD @ me bb
  14. If you have to insist that you're sweet or a nice person you probably aren't one tbh. Just in my personal experience. Nothing against you personally, but insisting you are nice/sweet shouldn't be something you have to do. You just show it through your actions
  15. Jailbait? WHEREEEEE
    my favorite are the ones fresh out the womb??
  16. I am also v nice

  17. Pre sure I had 2 hours of sleep in this selfie ??‍♀️
  18. Lol I’m a nice girl and I just call out  as I see it. I just called out  and you got butt hurt  if you want me to be actually mean to you I can show you what I could’ve said or do you wish to shut up now. Post something new and quit trying to get attention on the hour or just get a puppy for Pete’s sake
  19. I was never butthurt? All I said was you aren't acting like a nice person and you insisting you are a nice person is counterproductive. Threats are also super counterproductive. Like if anyone is butthurt, it was you being so damn distraught over people posting selfies in selfie thread.

    Go change your baby's diaper or something.