Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Hi can I just say that you're freaking beautiful ? I like your facial structures tbh
  2. Just gonna go ahead and bump myself
  3. Use imgfit instead of IMG

  4. henlo today is my last day with an intact tongue also check out these awful shoes i love them
  5. I love all your outfits omlll and I'm jealous cause I'm too short to do the leg on the sink selfie :(
  6. Mother
  7. So cute  wear more dresses xox
  8. Wow I still haven't wore this dress other than to try it on tf. Also I see you still have me blocked you frigging nerd so ihy

  9. Damn those slides cute af tho
  11. Gimme them shoes you call awful 

  13. ? stopping by to say hey again
  14. Seems like a catfish tbh
  15. awful lotta stars there.
  16. But mrs claus is legit. At least she doesn't ask underàge girls for RP like you @Zault.
  17. wot?
  18. I wish I knew what these stars meant ??‍♀️
  19. i think it says càtfish based on Byte's comment
  20. Is that seriously a censored word?