Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. I don't have a sister. Try again?
  2. Like, I'm a troll. I do a lot of questionable things. Get over it. You don't mention when I post about other races of people. I understand that you're Mexican, but all you wanna do is mention Latinas to me, when it's clearly unnecessary.
  3. Yup, this thread still reeks of much needed attention and sadness.
  4. Now I wanna post a selfie
  5. [​IMG]
  6. Please supply me with attention. I'm sad.
  7. Hi. Smile.
  8. mood
  9. I tried.
  10. Damn this turned into a jumpscare selfie thread
  11. In that case I’ll just drop this here
  12. ?. Nice one
  13. do you need your diaper changed

  14.  Wooow you're pretty
  16. Where it says [lMG] and [/lMG] make it [lMGFIT] [/lMGFIT]
  17. Ohhhh gotcha!
  18. Meh... Just trying ?
  19. Y'all pretty.

    I won't comment on everyone's one by one coz that will just show that I am thirsty

  20. Comment on mine pls