Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. You're so cute! I've been wanting try this out for a year now
  2. Fr tho. Call me 언니, ate, onee-chan, etcetera. I'm everyone's big sis right now right here.

    except don't actually call me onee-chan or i'll call you a weeb 4 lyfe
  3. O try it out! What are you waiting for?! Pm me if you want specific tips on how to do it
  4. Kinda reminds me of Chun Li but not exactly
  5. Cuz i'm too white looking. If i was asian or more native looking then i would have the look down perf
  6. Hai how does Asian me pull off twin buns and look effin kyoot like you without looking extra Chainese pls halp
  7. Das impossible, you'll get the chun li look that jopo was talking about. Is qt tho ? do it anyway. And everyone who assumes you can't speak English when they see the twin buns can suck a dìck
  8. I no spek engrish can I sok yur deck
  9. *Smacks you with japanese fan* *does KO cuz that's how fighting games works*
  10. S-so no suk dik? :(
  11. Roses are red
    Sky is blue
    Senpai will never notice you.
  12. ☹ not my dik anyway.
  13. I like your alteration. Violets are violet not le bleu
  14. I agree
  15. Hai looking for premium senpai pls pm. My senpai wont notice me. :(
  16. Flocc is the prettiest thing in the world.
    Flocc is GOD.
    heil flocc <3
  17. Don’t let the selfie thread die pls someone post ur selfie