Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. True story. Using a female avatar is dangerous. You get ally the sexually riled up people following you. Guys and lesbians ask you for weird things... then there's the guys who use female avatars to ask other females for sexual things.

  2. Sounds good. But I just don’t hide stuff from her, we’ve been friends forever. Not like she was going to judge me lol but what sooo now I’m a girl posing as a guy with myself as a Bestfriend lol that’s a complicated theory.
  3. You posted your own mugshot my dude
  4. This is so cute.
  5. Making me want to put my onesie on now
  6. Brb, lemme show off the sexiness
  7. Do mooses eat pie?
  8. This moose does, I’ll eat your pie too
  9. He did it. He made mooses look sexual.
  10. I googled "sexual moose" once and his picture appeared. :eek:
  11. Your safe behind a screen, but when you see it in the wild..have caution and don’t feed it pie ?

  12. ?️‍
  13. The plural of moose is meese.
  14. Fake news. You’re WRONG

    And you ^up there. You’re cute with the mermaid hair. ?‍♀️
  15. My rs is to lazy so she had me do it for her @random_kim?
  16. Best rs ever tbh
  17. RS goals. Dog goals. Kewl photo.
  18. Thank you ️☺️