Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Nice pick up line
  2. O I didn't notice. Thenks troll.
  3. THERE I AM 
  4. Here’s another xo

  5. oww nice specs.
    Are those in trend or something?
    A lot of girls prefer the same design.
  6. yeah they're called horn-rimmed and they were popular in 50s/60s and are making a comeback
  7. ohh maii hailey knows everything.
  8. maybe i'll have to start quote-bumping my selfies AND that mini-tutorial
  9. yes i do
  10. tell me the square root of natural log of the radius of the star closest to the surface of titan.
  11. A really big number.

  12. Those are called the blind as a btch w/o them 100s
  13. no u

  14. Don’t usually wear my glasses, contacts btw
  15. Ohh you look like my maths teacher during highschool.
    My attendance was 100%.
  16. Are you a maths teacher as well?
  17. Yass! ? love the choker! Cute as heck ?
  18. Absolutely purrfect ?
  19. So pretty! Glasses are cute as heck. pimd ?