Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. @firebends bump a selfie plz.

  2. This thread got me back into talking selfies again 
  3. nice hair
  4. Oh thanks 

  5. I'm too smol for onesies but heres mine anyway. The trunk looks like a pp ?
  6. O its sideways tf

  7. Adorable :)
  8. Cute :)
  9. That is TOO cute  If only I knew how to post GIFs. ??‍♀️ I have a video of my brother twerking in one, looking like a giant bear.
  10. Can someone bump the other onesie I'm too nub to do it :(
  11. You are too cute. Wtf.
  12. Thanks everyone I'm also too nub to reply to multiple people at once 

  14. Someone help her pls I want to see the bless
  15. Posting gifs are almost the same as images tho ?
  16. The accuracy is nearly painful.
  17. “Almost” ? Hep
  18. Post dat gif like you did the selfie ?
  19. You are the cutest smol elephant! ?? I love kigurumis so much! I have fox and hedgehog kigurumis and they're soo comfy 
  20. even better! have a new one!