Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Congrats you made it
  2. Why thank you very much lmao :p
  3. Right?! 
  4. yay u did it!
  5. Hey nice shirt!
  6. So where are the bobs 
  7. @sKrypt give me free dominos pizza pls
  8. in jopos DMs
  9. share thx
  10. Yes. pizza plz
  11. Why won't my Emojis work!!!! ????
  12. Maybe ?
  13. 1. Love the glasses.

    2. Hook ya girl up with a Lavacake.
  14. Thank you and all the responses have been cause of the shirt lmao 
  15. forums only recognizes a few emojis. i recommend using the forum emojis. you can find their codes here in this thread.
  16. o nvm i got ninja'd by kefo
  17. Sorry we're just a bunch of greedy fatasses here