Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. O, my apologies I didn't know :(
  2. This is the oldest move in the book. Please don't make the selfie thread into a pickup center unless you're going to be good at it. Js it's cringey and not the purpose of this thread.
  3. And harm you should have read that he was hitting on you ?
  4. Harm is an innocent girl, she didn't read too much into it :(
  6. what kind of mess is this
  7. Exactly, I agree with you on this too, but we all need clothes. They're necessities.
  8. You are all priceless gifts beyond any capability of being brought down to a limited value.
  9. Naked and Afraid says differently.
  10. You are very ignorant. I had made that thread to apologize to two of them and expose the third one. Simple as that. You probably had a fantasize about me being an rper. That's not very straight, forum troll.
  11. I knew that was your alt, just showing you that I find out whatever I want to know through connections. Funny how you and your butt buddy fantasize about me being a rper
  12. They're lying to you cause they're lovers.
  13. Not at all. I don't try anything. What don't you all understand? I'm follow the Nike way
  14. It's not a "move" as you dumbly accused it of being one. She'd know if I was flirting with her. I suggest you go back to whatever pit in hell you spawned from, Kefo
  15. Again, I wasn't "hitting on" her. You agitate me and disgrace your family with your infinite stupidity, Kefo. Again, she would know. I was stating my honest, humble opinion.
  16. Smh... I'm trying not to say nothing to you. All the thoughts I want to say are trying to escape lol. Just stop.
  17. Can't tell if potato or troll ^ :?
  18. Moist af bb.
  19. she ain't even gorgeous real life scale a 5 pimd scale still a 5? how you got 2 pics with filters 1 covering half your face the other makin a ugly dog face ? 7/10 would not smash