Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Selfies with no filters are the bestestestest
  2. K I was hurt. People always complaining about the filters but then I get this shït when I post with no filters ffs ?
  3. Well you didn't sense sarcasm in my first reply. We won't see someone's real beauty with layers of filter. One filter is enough tbh.

  4. I use filters cause I’m ugly as fooook I gotta hide my shrekness somehow ??
  5. filters ftw. no one sees true beauty in selfies to begin with. beauty is best seen candid
  6. I haven't seen people with more than one filter that actually alters their face 
  7. What about candid with layers of filter?
  8. No you don't hun. You do need to teach me how to look as bomb as you tho
  9. You're gorgeous!
  10. I just like Snapchat filters they cute af
  11. Fix your eyes

    Yes they are
  12. wot
  13. U wot m8
  14. O wow pls come over we can have a photoshoot ?
  15. [​IMG]

    Another one. Meh.
  16. Crap y'all be a dear, and resize that for me, please.
  17. Fixed
  18. hint:

    use imgfit instead of img.
  19. You're a sweetheart; thanks.
  20. Yeah, I remember using imgfit way back on this thread and the better one before this one, but it has been awhile and i forgot.