Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Are you secretly hailey
  3. Those were such great times 
  5. Cuuute!
    Is that a wig ? ?
  6. I remember the guy that would post his almost naked selflie(or it was a naked one) bring him back

  7. My friends birthday was yesterday and I thought I looked really good. Happy Birthday to all you Gemini's! ️
  8. Dude when was that 
  9. Happy late birthday to thus friend  nice photo woop
  10. maybe 3-4 years ago ? Whyat or something I'm not great at remembering names
  11. Wally?
  12.  <- you impersonating emoji trend setting
  13. Anony i have android :( pm me a ss i wanna see the emoji </3
  14. O, ye ?
  15. Yes wally! :( lol bring him back
  16. hahaha no it's my real hair ? thank you kindly ‍♀️
  17. You might get a rating if we can see you, hiding half of your face, and behind a filter. smh
  18. just use imgfit codes in stead of img ones.
    Quote and check the codes to see, if you need :)