Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Because I legitimately didn't think it was? I personally would have an issue with it if it was sexually provocative, and I complimented her saying they looked nice. I had answered that already that I was sharing my opinion. Why are you asking me to explain myself and yet complaining when people do explain themselves?
  2. @Vash Mr. Guard dog. She's not interested in you. I love the energy you put in just to beg for my attention. It's flattering, but I'm not into y chromosomes.
  3. Because it’s funny how I pull up about the cropping, you respond that it’s happened to you. Then you bring up some nasty comments straight after it like it’s all tied together
  4. How are the comments nasty?

    She spoke about cropping. She said she had cropped it but accidentally posted the uncropped version and I was like, "Yeah that happens to me too!"

    Aphro, I am not a petty or passive aggressive person. If I was attacking you or being nasty to you, I would do it straight up.
  5. It doesn't upset me that depressed adults go out their way and fail to reach the unobtainable level that I'm currently surpassing. That's not trolling. You're not getting the reaction you want out of me. You're getting helped exposed as a fool instead. I'm not butthurt. Are all of you dropouts or do you just not comprehend the word, "blunt?" I'm enjoying myself, can you all say the same?
  6. ohh wow butthurt aren't we??

    butthurt jaco chan️
  7. Honestly how you worded it, it’s like you’re implying I’m shaming the girl or something when I tell her to own it. That’s how it comes across to me

    You didn’t write oh I would if have the problem If the photo was proactive etc. You just threw in at the end that’s your opinion. You didn’t exclusive state it
  8. She doesn't want you, Vag. Cry about it. Or vent. It doesn't matter to me.
  9. yes yes go ahead you waste of a taco from an alternate dinension.Pull the card that we are all adults bullying you whenever you are called out.
  10. Ok, look, Vag. If you have an issue with me, take it to wall posts or gift messages, even pms. Don't derail the thread.
  11. Clearly it was a communication misunderstanding, then. Nothing to argue about.
  12. You can't cyber bully me if you don't have the power to physically bully me.
  13. ......lul

  14. I would like to address this since I am the “she” and “her” in question. Side note: I’m Blue. Anyway, I appreciate the comment. Although, no one is saying those things about the posing being provocative, she was making a separate point about how it’s not. It was clear to me what she meant.

    I get the “Why does it need to be said then” aspect. But, it wasn’t meant as an insult. It was just a statement of opinion.

    I see where you are both coming from, but I don’t see anything wrong with it.
  15. Vag: blocks puts up barb wire
  16. I think a guy should post a selfie now
  17. Post a selfie jaco