Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Time to make your PIMD dorm as cool as your real life dorm. You cute bb

    And too lazy to use tiny pic
  2. You’ve give me new direction senpai

  3. Send them to me, I'll upload them ?
  5. I donut see your emoji on mah android device chill :(
  6. donut worry, it’s a thumbs up
  7. It’s the thumbs up.
  8. If i'm welcome i'm not leaving ur crib cutie

    Super pretty!!
  9. Why lmao
  10. You're welcome anyday emi I'll keep ya hostage ;)
  11. Why do you have so many great shots during graduation? Idek if I have my graduating plaque.
  12. LOL
  13. WHY: because I was bored one Sunday. Didn’t really care about my college experience but was depressed and took advantage of photoshop class.

    I also learned how to post images on here properly so having fun ??‍♀️
  14. Those are really HD pics too, demn. Do you have a photographer?
  15. LMFAO
  16. Bf and I are photographers
  17. I can hear the hearts breaking. ?
  18. Self-proclaimed depression whereas in reality you're just a bit sad over stupid reasons. ?
  19. #selfdiagnosed